Tuesday 1 December 2015

How a LED works

Light Emitting Diode working.

                     A light emitting diode (LED) is known to be one of the best optoelectronic devices out of the lot. The device is capable of emitting a fairly narrow bandwidth of visible or invisible light when its internal diode junction attains a forward electric current or voltage. The visible lights that an LED emits are usually orange, red, yellow, or green. The invisible light includes the infrared light. The biggest advantage of this device is its high power to light conversion efficiency. That is, the efficiency is almost 50 times greater than a simple tungsten lamp. The response time of the LED is also known to be very fast in the range of 0.1 microseconds when compared with 100 milliseconds for a tungsten lamp. Due to these advantages, the device wide applications as visual indicators and as dancing light displays.

                   We know that a P-N junction can connect the absorbed light energy into its proportional electric current. The same process is reversed here. That is, the P-N junction emits light when energy is applied on it. This phenomenon is generally called electroluminance, which can be defined as the emission of light from a semi-conductor under the influence of an electric field. The charge carriers recombine in a forward P-N junction as the electrons cross from the N-region and recombine with the holes existing in the P-region. Free electrons are in the conduction band of energy levels, while holes are in the valence energy band. Thus the energy level of the holes will be lesser than the energy levels of the electrons. Some part of the energy must be dissipated in  order to recombine the electrons and  the holes. This energy is emitted in the form of heat and light.
The electrons dissipate energy in the form of heat for silicon and germanium diodes. But in Galium- Arsenide-phosphorous (GaAsP) and Galium-phosphorous (GaP) semiconductors, the electrons dissipate energy by emitting photons. If the semiconductor is translucent, the junction becomes the source of light as it is emitted, thus becoming a light emitting diode (LED). But when the junction is reverse biased no light will be produced by the LED, and, on the contrary the device may also get damaged.

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The diagram of a LED is shown below.

LED Circuit Symbol

    LED as an Indicator:

    LEDS displays are made to display numbers from segments. One such design is the seven-segment display as shown below. Any desired numerals from 0-9 can be displayed by passing current through the correct segments. To connect such segment a common anode or common cathode cathode configuration can be used. Both the connections are shown below. The LED’s are switched ON and OFF by using transistors.
    Advantages of LED’s
    • Very low voltage and current are enough to drive the LED.
    • Voltage range – 1 to 2 volts.
    • Current – 5 to 20 milliamperes.
    • Total power output will be less than 150 milliwatts.
    • The response time is very less – only about 10 nanoseconds.
    • The device does not need any heating and warm up time.
    • Miniature in size and hence light weight.
    • Have a rugged construction and hence can withstand shock and vibrations.
    • An LED has a life span of more than 20 years.
    • A slight excess in voltage or current can damage the device.
    • The device is known to have a much wider bandwidth compared to the laser.
    • The temperature depends on the radiant output power and wavelength.

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                                         IN 1957. Scientists at MIT noticed that the frequency of the radio signals transmitted by the small Russian satellite increased as it approached and decreased as it moved away. This was caused by the Doppler Effect, the same thing that makes the timbre of a car horn change as the car rushes by.
This gave the scientists a grand idea. Satellites could be tracked from the ground by measuring the frequency of the radio signals they emitted, and conversely, the locations of receivers on the ground could be tracked by their distance from the satellites. That, in a nutshell, is the conceptual foundation of modern GPS. That GPS receiver in your phone or on the dash of your car learns its location, rate of speed, and elevation by measuring the time it takes to receive radio signals from four or more satellites floating overhead.

Image result for gps receiver block diagram

Related Post: GPS Project Ideas for Engineering Students

The GPS system currently has 31 active satellites in orbits inclined 55 degrees to the equator. The satellites orbit about 20,000km from the earth's surface and make two orbits per day. The orbits are designed so that there are always 6 satellites in view, from most places on the earth.
The GPS receiver gets a signal from each GPS satellite. The satellites transmit the exact time the signals are sent. By subtracting the time the signal was transmitted from the time it was received, the GPS can tell how far it is from each satellite. The GPS receiver also knows the exact position in the sky of the satellites, at the moment they sent their signals. So given the travel time of the GPS signals from three satellites and their exact position in the sky, the GPS receiver can determine your position in three dimensions - east, north and altitude.
There is a complication. To calculate the time the GPS signals took to arrive, the GPS receiver needs to know the time very accurately. The GPS satellites have atomic clocks that keep very precise time, but it's not feasible to equip a GPS receiver with an atomic clock. However, if the GPS receiver uses the signal from a fourth satellite it can solve an equation that lets it determine the exact time, without needing an atomic clock.
If the GPS receiver is only able to get signals from 3 satellites, you can still get your position, but it will be less accurate. As we noted above, the GPS receiver needs 4 satellites to work out your position in 3-dimensions. If only 3 satellites are available, the GPS receiver can get an approximate position by making the assumption that you are at mean sea level. If you really are at mean sea level, the position will be reasonably accurate. However if you are in the mountains, the 2-D fix could be hundreds of metres off.

some of the real time applications are listed below...
  • Smart phone
  • Location tracker
  • Car
  • Tablet
for more details click here...

Related Post: GPS Project Ideas for Engineering Students

What is transformer? Definition and Working Principle of Transformer


Related Post: Electrical Project Ideas for Engineering Students for pure Electrical projects.

Related Post: Electrical Project Ideas for Engineering Students combined with Embedded projects.

Definition of Transformer

Electrical power transformer is a static device which transforms electrical energy from one circuit to another without any direct electrical connection and with the help of mutual induction between two windings. It transforms power from one circuit to another without changing its frequency but may be in different voltage level.
This is a very short and simple definition of transformer, as we will go through this portion of tutorial related to electrical power transformer, we will understand more clearly and deeply "what is transformer ?" and basic theory of transformer

Working Principle of Transformer

The working principle of transformer is very simple. It depends upon Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Actually, mutual induction between two or more winding is responsible for transformation action in an electrical transformer.

According to these Faraday's laws,
"Rate of change of flux linkage with respect to time is directly proportional to the induced EMF in a conductor or coil".

Basic Theory of Transformer

Say you have one winding which is supplied by an alternating electrical source. The alternating current through the winding produces a continually changing flux or alternating flux that surrounds the winding. If any other winding is brought nearer to the previous one, obviously some portion of this flux will link with the second. As this flux is continually changing in its amplitude and direction, there must be a change in flux linkage in the second winding or coil. According to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, there must be an EMF induced in the second. If the circuit of the later winding is closed, there must be an current flowing through it. This is the simplest form of electrical power transformer and this is the most basic of working principle of transformer.
For better understanding, we are trying to repeat the above explanation in a more brief way here. Whenever we apply alternating current to an electric coil, there will be an alternating flux surrounding that coil. Now if we bring another coil near the first one, there will be an alternating flux linkage with that second coil. As the flux is alternating, there will be obviously a rate of change in flux linkage with respect to time in the second coil. Naturally emf will be induced in it as per Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. This is the most basic concept of the theory of transformer.
The winding which takes electrical power from the source, is generally known as primary winding of transformer. Here in our above example it is first winding. mutual induction The winding which gives the desired output voltage due to mutual induction in the transformer, is commonly known as secondary winding of transformer. Here in our example it is second winding.
transformer core winding
The above mentioned form of transformer is theoretically possible but not practically, because in open air very tiny portion of the flux of the first winding will link with second; so the current that flows through the closed circuit of later, will be so small in amount that it will be difficult to measure.
The rate of change of flux linkage depends upon the amount of linked flux with the second winding. So, it is desired to be linked to almost all flux of primary winding to the secondary winding. This is effectively and efficiently done by placing one low reluctance path common to both of the winding. This low reluctance path is core of transformer, through which maximum number of flux produced by the primary is passed through and linked with the secondary winding. This is the most basic theory of transformer.

Main Constructional Parts of Transformer

The three main parts of a transformer are,
  1. Primary Winding of transformer - which produces magnetic flux when it is connected to electrical source.
  2. Magnetic Core of transformer - the magnetic flux produced by the primary winding, that will pass through this low reluctance path linked with secondary winding and create a closed magnetic circuit.
  3. Secondary Winding of transformer - the flux, produced by primary winding, passes through the core, will link with the secondary winding. This winding also wounds on the same core and gives the desired output of the transformer.

ZigBee Technology Tutorial


ZigBee is a wireless networking standard that is aimed at remote control and sensor applications which is suitable for operation in harsh radio environments and in isolated locations.
ZigBee technology builds on IEEE standard 802.15.4 which defines the physical and MAC layers. Above this, ZigBee defines the application and security layer specifications enabling interoperability between products from different manufacturers. In this way ZigBee is a superset of the 802.15.4 specification.
With the applications for remote wireless sensing and control growing rapidly it is estimated that the market size could reach hundreds of millions of dollars as early as 2007. This makes ZigBee technology a very attractive proposition for many applications.

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ZigBee basics

The distances that can be achieved transmitting from one station to the next extend up to about 70 metres, although very much greater distances may be reached by relaying data from one node to the next in a network.
The main applications for 802.15.4 are aimed at control and monitoring applications where relatively low levels of data throughput are needed, and with the possibility of remote, battery powered sensors, low power consumption is a key requirement. Sensors, lighting controls, security and many more applications are all candidates for the new technology.

Physical and MAC layers

The system is specified to operate in one of the three license free bands at 2.4 GHz, 915 MHz for North America and 868 MHz for Europe. In this way the standard is able to operate around the globe, although the exact specifications for each of the bands are slightly different. At 2.4 GHz there are a total of sixteen different channels available, and the maximum data rate is 250 kbps. For 915 MHz there are ten channels and the standard supports a maximum data rate of 40 kbps, while at 868 MHz there is only one channel and this can support data transfer at up to 20 kbps.
The modulation techniques also vary according to the band in use. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is used in all cases. However for the 868 and 915 MHz bands the actual form of modulation is binary phase shift keying. For the 2.4 GHz band, offset quadrature phase shift keying (O-QPSK) is employed.
Image result for zigbee module
In view of the fact that systems may operate in heavily congested environments, and in areas where levels of extraneous interference is high, the 802.15.4 specification has incorporated a variety of features to ensure exceedingly reliable operation. These include a quality assessment, receiver energy detection and clear channel assessment. CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) techniques are used to determine when to transmit, and in this way unnecessary clashes are avoided.

Data transfer

The data is transferred in packets. These have a maximum size of 128 bytes, allowing for a maximum payload of 104 bytes. Although this may appear low when compared to other systems, the applications in which 802.15.4 and ZigBee are likely to be used should not require very high data rates.
The standard supports 64 bit IEEE addresses as well as 16 bit short addresses. The 64 bit addresses uniquely identify every device in the same way that devices have a unique IP address. Once a network is set up, the short addresses can be used and this enables over 65000 nodes to be supported.
It also has an optional superframe structure with a method for time synchronisation. In addition to this it is recognised that some messages need to be given a high priority. To achieve this, a guaranteed time slot mechanism has been incorporated into the specification. This enables these high priority messages to be sent across the network as swiftly as possible.

Upper layers (ZigBee)

Above the physical and MAC layers defined by 802.15.4, the ZigBee standard itself defines the upper layers of the system. This includes many aspects including the messaging, the configurations that can be used, along with security aspects and the application profile layers.
There are three different network topologies that are supported by ZigBee, namely the star, mesh and cluster tree or hybrid networks. Each has its own advantages and can be used to advantage in different situations.
The star network is commonly used, having the advantage of simplicity. As the name suggests it is formed in a star configuration with outlying nodes communicating with a central node.
Mesh or peer to peer networks enable high degrees of reliability to be obtained. They consist of a variety of nodes placed as needed, and nodes within range being able to communicate with each other to form a mesh. Messages may be routed across the network using the different stations as relays. There is usually a choice of routes that can be used and this makes the network very robust. If interference is present on one section of a network, then another can be used instead.
Finally there is what is known as a cluster tree network. This is essentially a combination of star and mesh topologies.
Both 802.15.4 and ZigBee have been optimised to ensure that low power consumption is a key feature. Although nodes with sensors of control mechanisms towards the centre of a network are more likely to have mains power, many towards the extreme may not. The low power design has enabled battery life to be typically measured in years, enabling the network not to require constant maintenance.
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RFID Technology and Its Applications

RFID Technology and Its Applications

                             RFID is abbreviation of Radio Frequency Identification. RFID signifies to tiny electronic gadgets that comprise of a small chip and an antenna. This small chip is competent of accumulating approx 2000 bytes of data or information. RFID devices is used as a substitute of bar code or a magnetic strip which is noticed at the back of an ATM card or credit card, it gives a unique identification code to each item. And similar to the magnetic strip or bar code, RFID devices too have to be scanned to get the details (identifying information).
                                A fundamental advantage of RFID gadgets above the other stated devices is that the RFID device is not required to be placed exactly near to the scanner or RFID code reader. As all of us are well aware of the difficulty which store billers face while scanning the bar codes and but obviously the credit cards & ATM cards need to be swiped all though a special card reader. In comparison to it, RFID device can function from few feet away (approx 20 feet for high frequency devices) of the scanner machine.

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Functioning Principle of RFID Device:

  • RFID (radio frequency identification) is a technique facilitating identification of any product or item without the requirement of any line of sight amid transponder and reader.
  • RFID Structure is continuously composed of 2 main hardware components. The transponder which is located on the product to be scanned and the reader which can be either just a reader or a read & write device, depending upon the system design, technology employed and the requirement. The RFID reader characteristically comprise of a radio frequency module, a controlling unit for configurations, a monitor and an antenna ti investigate the RFID tags. In addition, a number of RFID readers are in-built with an extra interface allowing them to forward the data received to another system (control system or PC).
  • RFID Tag – The actual data carrying tool of an RFID structure, in general comprise of an antenna (coupling element) and an electronic micro-chip.
Functioning Principle of RFID Device

Active & Passive Tags:

Before we move ahead to the working of the RFID systems let us know what active & passive RFID tags are –
RFID is a common term employed to describe a device which is employed in transferring data with the help of radio waves. RFID tags comprise of a RFID transceiver for transferring data from one system to another. There are 2 kinds of RFID tags- Active tags & Passive tags.

Passive RFID Tags:

Passive tags comprise of 3 key components, namely, an in-built chip, a substrate and an antenna. The in-built chip is also known as a circuit and is utilized to perform some precise tasks along with accumulating data. Passive RFID tags can comprise of various kinds of micro-chips depending on the structural design of a particular tag. These chips can be MO (read only) or WORM (write once chip other than read many) or RW (read write) chip. A general RFID chip is competent of accumulating 96 bits of data but some other chips have a capacity of storing 1000-2000 bits.Passive tag has an antenna which is attached to the micro-chip. This antenna is employed for transferring data using radio waves. The passive tag’s performance is reliant on the size of the antenna. In the performance of tags the shape of the antenna also plays a significant role. The third part of the tag is substrate , the substrate is a plastic coating or Mylar which is employed to unite the antenna & the chip. Passive RFID tags are smaller in size as well as cheap on pockets too.

Active RFID Tags:

Active tags comprise of same components that exists in passive tags. They too comprise of a micro-chip and an antenna but the only comparison between the two is that the size of the micro-chip in active tags is larger than passive tags’ chip. An active tag is incorporated with a built-in power supply. Maximum of the active tags make use of batteries whereas some of them work on solar cells. The inbuilt power system facilitates the tag to be used as an independent reader which is competent of transferring information devoid of outer assistance. Active RFID tags are available with some extra features such as microprocessors, serial ports & sensors. The highly developed technology in existing in active RFID tag formulates it more capable in comparison to passive tags as the active tags can be easily employed for a large array of tasks.
RFID Micro-Chip tags are basically fabricated to function at certain frequencies which are license free.
These are:
  • High Frequency (HF) 13.56 MHz
  • Microwave 2.45 GHz
  • Ultra High Frequency (UHF) 868-930 MHz
  • Low Frequency (LF) 125-135 KHz
  • Microwave 5.8 GHz

How RFID Works:

The diagram below describes the fundamental working of all RFID systems. The transponder or tag can be either active of passive tag. It reacts to the signals from the reader or writer or interrogator which in turn conveys signals to the computer.
Working of RFID

RFID Applications:

RFID technology is used in a number of industries to carry out various tasks such as:
  • Asset tracking
  • Inventory management
  • Controlling access to confined areas
  • Personnel tracking
  • Supply chain management
  • ID badging
  • Counterfeit forestalling (e.g., in the pharmaceutical industry)
Even though RFID technology has been in used by humans ever since from World War II, the stipulate for RFID devices is rising quickly, in fact owing to orders given by the U.S. DoD (Department of Defense ) and Wal-Mart needing their suppliers to modify products to be traced by RFID technology.
RFID is also employed in a number of other things:
  • The keys to unlock your car door;
  • The automatic deduction of payment while using toll booths;
  • Building access systems;
  • Payment cards, student ID cards and even Passports
  • Wireless sensors & mesh networks.

Related Post: RFID Project Ideas for Engineering Students

What is a relay? Why is a relay used?

Here you can many ideas through the link of ELECTRICAL

What is a relay?

We know that most of the high end industrial application devices have relays for their effective working. Relays are simple switches which are operated both electrically and mechanically. Relays consist of a n electromagnet and also a set of contacts. The switching mechanism is carried out with the help of the electromagnet. There are also other operating principles for its working. But they differ according to their applications. Most of the devices have the application of relays.

Why is a relay used?

The main operation of a relay comes in places where only a low-power signal can be used to control a circuit. It is also used in places where only one signal can be used to control a lot of circuits. The application of relays started during the invention of telephones. They played an important role in switching calls in telephone exchanges. They were also used in long distance telegraphy. They were used to switch the signal coming from one source to another destination. After the invention of computers they were also used to perform Boolean and other logical operations. The high end applications of relays require high power to be driven by electric motors and so on. Such relays are called contactor.

Relay Design:

There are only four main parts in a relay. They are
  • Electromagnet
  • Movable Armature
  • Switch point contacts
  • Spring
Relay Construction

It is an electro-magnetic relay with a wire coil, surrounded by an iron core. A path of very low reluctance for the magnetic flux is provided for the movable armature and also the switch point contacts.  The movable armature is connected to the yoke which is mechanically connected to the switch point contacts. These parts are safely held with the help of a spring. The spring is used so as to produce an air gap in the circuit when the relay becomes de-energized.

How relay works?

The working of a relay can be better understood by explaining the following diagram given below.
Relay Design

The diagram shows an inner section diagram of a relay. An iron core is surrounded by a control coil. As shown, the power source is given to the electromagnet through a control switch and through contacts to the load. When current starts flowing through the control coil, the electromagnet starts energizing and thus intensifies the magnetic field. Thus the upper contact arm starts to be attracted to the lower fixed arm and thus closes the contacts causing a short circuit for the power to the load. On the other hand, if the relay was already de-energized when the contacts were closed, then the contact move oppositely and make an open circuit.
As soon as the coil current is off, the movable armature will be returned by a force back to its initial position. This force will be almost equal to half the strength of the magnetic force. This force is mainly provided by two factors. They are the spring and also gravity.
Relays are mainly made for two basic operations. One is low voltage application and the other is high voltage. For low voltage applications, more preference will be given to reduce the noise of the whole circuit. For high voltage applications, they are mainly designed to reduce a phenomenon called arcing.

Relay Basics

The basics for all the relays are the same. Take a look at a 4 – pin relay shown below. There are two colours shown. The green colour represents the control circuit and the red colour represents the load circuit. A small control coil is connected onto the control circuit. A switch is connected to the load. This switch is controlled by the coil in the control circuit. Now let us take the different steps that occour in a relay.

relay operation
  • Energized Relay (ON)
As shown in the circuit, the current flowing through the coils represented by pins 1 and 3 causes a magnetic field to be aroused. This magnetic field causes the closing of the pins 2 and 4. Thus the switch plays an important role in the relay working. As it is a part of the load circuit, it is used to control an electrical circuit that is connected to it. Thus, when the relay in energized the current flow will be through the pins 2 and 4.
  • De – Energized Relay (OFF)
As soon as the current flow stops through pins 1 and 3, the switch opens and thus the open circuit prevents the current flow through pins 2 and 4. Thus the relay becomes de-energized and thus in off position.
De-Energized Relay (OFF)
De-Energized Relay (OFF)
In simple, when a voltage is applied to pin 1, the electromagnet activates, causing a magnetic field to be developed, which goes on to close the pins 2 and 4 causing a closed circuit. When there is no voltage on pin 1, there will be no electromagnetic force and thus no magnetic field. Thus the switches remain open.




                           APR9600 is a low-cost high performance sound record/replay IC incorporating flash analogue storage technique. Recorded sound is retained even after power supply is removed from the module. The replayed sound exhibits high quality with a low noise level. Sampling rate for a 60 second recording period is 4.2 kHz that gives a sound record/replay bandwidth of 20Hz to 2.1 kHz. However, by changing an oscillation resistor, a sampling rate as high as 8.0 kHz can be achieved. This shortens the total length of sound recording to 32 seconds.
                             Total sound recording time can be varied from 32 seconds to 60 seconds by changing the value of a single resistor. The IC can operate in one of two modes: serial mode and parallel mode. In serial access mode, sound can be recorded in 256 sections. In parallel access mode, sound can be recorded in 2, 4 or 8 sections. The IC can be controlled simply using push button keys. It is also possible to control the IC using external digital circuitry such as micro-controllers and computers.
                              The APR9600 has a 28 pin DIP package. Supply voltage is between 4.5V to 6.5V. During recording and replaying, current consumption is 25 mA. In idle mode, the current drops to 1 mA. The APR9600 experimental board is an assembled PCB board consisting of an APR9600 IC, an electrets microphone, support components and necessary switches to allow users to explore all functions of the APR9600 chip. The oscillation resistor is chosen so that the total recording period is 60 seconds with a sampling rate of 4.2 kHz. The board measures 80mm by 55mm.

1. APR9600
                    Pin-out of the APR9600 is given in Figure 1. A typical connection of the chip is given in Figure 2 (This is the circuit diagram of the module). Pin functions of the IC are given in Table 1. During sound recording, sound is picked up by the microphone. A microphone pre-amplifier amplifies the voltage signal from the microphone. An AGC circuit is included in the pre-amplifier, the extent of which is controlled by an external capacitor and resistor. If the voltage level of a sound signal is around 100 mV peak to- peak, the signal can be fed directly into the IC through ANA IN pin (pin 20). The sound signal passes through a filter and a sampling and hold circuit. The analogue voltage is then written into non-volatile flash analogue RAMs. It has a 28 pin DIP package. Supply voltage is between 4.5V to 6.5V. During recording and replaying, current consumption is 25 mA. In idle mode, the current drops to 1 mA.
2. APR9600 module
                                              The circuit diagram of the module is shown in Figure 2. The module consists of an APR9600 chip, an electrets microphone, support components, a mode selection switch (-RE, MSEL1, MSEL2 and – M8) and 9 keys (-M1 to –M8 and CE). The oscillation resistor is chosen so that the total recording period is 60 seconds with a sampling rate of 4.2 kHz. Users can change the value of the ROSC to obtain other sampling frequencies. It should be noted that if the sampling rate is increased, the length of recording time is decreased. Table 3 gives the details. An 8-16 Ohm speaker is to be used with the module. Users can select different modes using the mode selection switch. The module is measured 80mm´55mm. Connection points (0-8, C and B) can connect to other switches or external digital circuits. In this cased, on-board keys M1 to M8 and CE are by-passed.

5. Application tips

Tips for better  sound replay quality:

1. Use a good quality 8 Ohm speaker with a cavity such as speakers for computer sound systems. Do not use a bare speaker which gives you degraded sound.
2. For better sound replay quality, speak with a distance to the on-board microphone and speak clearly. Also keep the background noise as low as possible.
3. For even better sound replay quality, use microphone input or Audio Line In input. If Audio Line In is used, the amplitude of input signal should be < 100 mV p-p.

Some details of Advanced RISC Machine (ARM –LPC2129)

Working of using Advanced RISC Machine (ARM –LPC2129) in EMBEDDED SYSTEM

                                            The ARM is a 32-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by ARM Limited. It was known as the Advanced RISC Machine, and before that as the Acorn RISC Machine. The ARM architecture is the most widely used 32-bit ISA in terms of numbers produced They were originally conceived as a processor for desktop personal computers by Acorn Computers, a market now dominated by the x86 family used by IBM PC compatible computers. The relative simplicity of ARM processors made them suitable for low power applications. This has made them dominant in the mobile and embedded electronics market as relatively low cost and small microprocessors and microcontrollers.
Image result for (ARM –LPC2129)

The LPC2129 are based on a 16/32 bit ARM7TDMI-STM CPU with real-time emulation and embedded trace support, together with 128/256 kilobytes (kB) of embedded high speed flash memory. A 128-bit wide internal memory interface and a unique accelerator architecture enable 32-bit code execution at maximum clock rate. For critical code size applications, the alternative 16-bit Thumb Mode reduces code by more than 30% with minimal performance penalty.
With their compact 64 and 144 pin packages, low power consumption, various 32-bit timers, combination of 4-channel 10-bit ADC and 2/4 advanced CAN channels or 8-channel 10-bit ADC and 2/4 advanced CAN channels (64 and 144 pin packages respectively), and up to 9 external interrupt pins these microcontrollers are particularly suitable for industrial control, medical systems, access control and point-of-sale.
Number of available GPIOs goes up to 46 in 64 pin package. In 144 pin packages number of available GPIOs tops 76 (with external memory in use) through 112 (single-chip application). Being equipped wide range of serial communications interfaces, they are also very well suited for communication gateways, protocol converters and embedded soft modems as well as many other general-purpose applications.
Image result for (ARM –LPC2129)
Advanced RISC  Machine Features
1.  16/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller in a tiny LQFP64 package.
2.  16 kB on-chip Static RAM.
3. 128/256 kB on-chip Flash Program Memory. 128-bit wide
Interface/accelerator enables high speed 60 MHz operation.
4. in-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming
(IAP) via on-chip boot-loader software. Flash programming takes 1ms
Per 512 byte line. Single sector or full chip erase takes 400 ms.
5. Embedded-ICE-RT interface enables breakpoints and watch points.
Interrupt service routines can continue to execute while the
Foreground task is debugged with the on-chip Real-Monitor. Software.
6. Embedded Trace Microcell enables non-intrusive high speed real-time
Tracing of instruction execution.
7. Two interconnected CAN interfaces with advanced acceptance filters.
8. Four channel 10-bit A/D converter with conversion time as low as2.44 ms.
9. Multiple serial interfaces including two UARTs (16C550), Fast I2C
(400 Kbits/s) and two SPIs
10. 60 MHz maximum CPU clock available from programmable on-chip
Phase-Locked Loop with settling time of 100 ms.
11 Vectored Interrupt Controller with configurable priorities and vector
12. Two 32-bit timers (with four capture and four compare channels),
Dual power supply:
1. CPU operating voltage range of 1.65V to 1.95V (1.8 V ±0.15 V).
2. I/O power supply range of 3.0 V to 3.6 V (3.3 V ± 10 %) with 5 V
Tolerant I/O pads.


The LPC2129 consists of an ARM7TDMI-S CPU with emulation support, the ARM7 Local Bus for interface to on-chip memory controllers, the AMBA Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB) for interface to the interrupt controller, and the VLSI Peripheral Bus (VPB, a compatible superset of ARM’s AMBA Advanced Peripheral Bus) for connection to on-chip peripheral functions. The LPC2119/2129/2194/2292/2294 configures the ARM7TDMI-S processor in little-endian byte order.
AHB peripherals are allocated a 2 megabyte range of addresses at the very top of the 4 gigabyte ARM memory space. Each AHB peripheral is allocated a 16 kilobyte address space within the AHB address space. LPC2129 peripheral functions (other than the interrupt controller) are connected to the VPB bus. The AHB to VPB Bridge interfaces the VPB bus to the AHB bus. VPB peripherals are also allocated a 2 megabyte range of addresses, beginning at the 3.5 gigabyte address point. Each VPB peripheral is allocated a 16 kilobyte address space within the VPB address space.
• Industrial control
• Medical systems
• Access control
• Point-of-sale
• Communication gateway
• Embedded soft modem
• General purpose applications