Sunday 29 November 2015

virtual reality basic tutorial for begineers

Virtual Reality:

Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. On a computer, virtual reality is primarily experienced through two of the five senses: sight and sound.

"what is virtual reality" in technical terms is straight-forward. Virtual reality is the term used to describe a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person. That person becomes part of this virtual world or is immersed within this environment and whilst there, is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions.


In the early 1990s, the public's exposure to virtual reality rarely went beyond a relatively primitive demonstration of a few blocky figures being chased around a chessboard by a crude pterodactyl. While the entertainment industry is still interested in virtual reality applications in games and theatre experiences, the really interesting uses for VR systems are in other fields.

Where is virtual reality used?

Saturday 28 November 2015

What is VLR and its function in GSM


As From the Name VLR means Visitor Location Register.
Visitor Location Register (VLR)
The VLR contains a copy of most of the data stored at the HLR. It is, however, temporary data which exists for only as long as the subscriber is “active” in the particular area covered by the VLR.
The VLR database will therefore contain some duplicate data as well as more precise data relevant to the subscriber remaining within the VLR coverage (here coverage means status of customer of last lac location area code updation )
The VLR provides a local database for the subscribers wherever they are physically located within a PLMN, this may or may not be the “home” system. This function eliminates the need for excessive and time-consuming references to the “home” HLR database.
The additional data stored in the VLR is listed below:
  1. Location Area Identity (LAI).
  2. Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI).
  3. Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN).
  4. Mobile status (busy/free/no answer etc.).
Location Area Identity
Cells within the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) are grouped together into geographical areas. Each area is assigned a Location Area Identity (LAI), a location area may typically contain 30 cells.
Each VLR controls several LAIs and as a subscriber moves from one LAI to another, the LAI is updated in the VLR. As the subscriber moves from one VLR to another, the VLR address is updated at the HLR.
Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI)
The VLR controls the allocation of new Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI) numbers and notifies them to the HLR. The TMSI will be updated frequently, this makes it very difficult for the call to be traced and therefore provides a high degree of security for the subscriber.
The TMSI may be updated in any of the following situations:
  • Call setup.
  • On entry to a new LAI.
  • On entry to a new VLR.
Mobile Subscriber Roaming Number
As a subscriber may wish to operate outside its “home” system at some time, the VLR can also allocate a Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN). This number is assigned from a list of numbers held at the VLR (MSC). The MSRN is then used to route the call to the MSC which controls the base station in the MSs Current location.
The database in the VLR can be accessed by the IMSI, the TMSI or the MSRN. Typically there will be one VLR per MSC.
  • VLR in telecom
  • vlr n hlr in gsm
  • vslr in gsm
  • what is hlr and vlr and their uses in locating mobile station
  • what is HLR vs VLR
  • what is the full form of vlr
  • what is vlr hlr
  • what is vlr in GSM
  • explain hlr vlr and auc

how to use LED lamps as a "indoor broadband broadcasting system"?

Visible light communication (VLC)  generally called "LIFI" using the light-emitting diode (LED) will become an appealing alternative to the radio frequency communication technology for indoor wireless broadband broadcasting. However, the LED lamps should access to the backbone information network and this requirement is not easily satisfied.

 Power line communication (PLC) systems utilize the ubiquitous power line network to power the LED lamps while serving as the backbone network for the VLC systems naturally. we propose a  cost-effective indoor broadband broadcasting system based on the deep integration of PLC and VLC. The proposed scheme significantly reduces the complexity of the VLC network protocol, and requires much less modification to the current infrastructure, while providing better signal coverage.

What is piezoelectric materials?

                                       What is piezoelectric materials?
Piezoelectric materials

Introduction: the piezoelectric effect
The piezoelectric effect describes the relation between a mechanical stress and an electrical voltage in solids.
It is reversbile: an applied mechanical stress will generate a voltage and an applied voltage will change the shape of the solid by a small amount (up to a 4% change in volume).
In physics, the piezoelectric effect can be described as the the link between electrostatics and mechanics.
piezoelectric effect

The piezoelectric effect was discovered in 1880 by the Jacques and Pierre Curie brothers. They found out that when a mechanical stress was applied on crystals such as tourmaline, tourmaline, topaz, quartz, Rochelle salt and cane sugar, electrical charges appeared, and this voltage was proportional to the stress.
First applications were piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers and soon swinging quartz for standards of frequency (quartz clocks).
An everyday life application example is your car's airbag sensor. The material detects the intensity of the shock and sends an electrical signal which triggers the airbag.

Piezoelectric materials

The piezoelectric effect occurs only in non conductive materials. Piezoelectric materials can be divided in 2 main groups: crystals and cermaics. The most well-known piezoelectric material is quartz (SiO2).

For piezoelectric projects and tutorials-click here

How to interface Real Time Clock with PIC Microcontroller

real-time clock  is a computer clock (most often in the form of an integrated circuit) that keeps track of the current time. Although the term often refers to the devices in personal computersservers and embedded systems, RTCs are present in almost any electronic device which needs to keep accurate time.

#include"4 BITLCD.C"// for 4bit lcd-click here
#include"I2C.C"// for i2cprotocol-click here
#include"TIME_DATE.C"// for time_date-click here
void main()
TRISC=0X18; // SDI=SCL=1;
lcd_str(" I2C BASED RTC ");
lcd_str("TIME:  :  :");
lcd_str("DATE:  :  :");
set_time(0X00,0X00); // SEC
set_time(0X01,0X01); // MIN
// set_time(0X02,0X64); // HRS & AM/PM
// set_time(0X03,0X04);
set_date(0X04,0X03); // DD
set_date(0X05,0X04); // MM
set_date(0X06,0X05); // YY
// get_time(0X00,0X8B);
// get_time(0X01,0X88);
// get_time(0X02,0X85);
// get_date(0X04,0XC5);
// get_date(0X05,0XC8);
// get_date(0X06,0XCB);

For project ideas and tutorials-click here

What is HLR and its function in GSM

               HLR means Home Location Register.

Home Location Register (HLR)
The HLR is the reference database for subscriber parameters. Actually HLR Having all the detail like customer ID, customer number, billing detail and for prepaid with IN intelligent network its has detail of current recharge of prepaid user so far its is very complex but i just make it in simple word for you.
Various identification numbers and addresses are stored, as well as authentication parameters. This information is entered into the database by the network provider when a new subscriber is added to the system. The HLR database contains the master database of all the subscribers to a GSM PLMN.
The data it contains is remotely accessed by all the MSCs and the VLRs in the network and, although the network may contain more than one HLR, there is only one database record per subscriber – each HLR is therefore handling a portion of the total subscriber database.
The subscriber data may be accessed by either the IMSI or the MSISDN number. The data can also be accessed by an MSC or a VLR in a different PLMN, to allow inter-system and inter-country roaming.
The Basic Parameters stored in the HLR are listed below:
  • Subscriber ID (IMSI and MSISDN)
  • Current Subscriber VLR (Current Location)
  • Supplementary Services Subscriber to (Caller Tone, Missed Call Alert, Any Other Services etc.)
  • Subscriber Status (Registered or Deregistered)
  • Authentication Key and AUC Functionality
  • Mobile Subscriber Roaming Number.
To know about GSM click the below link.

Friday 27 November 2015

Final Year Embedded Projects: what is i-beacon technology ?

Final Year Embedded Projects: what is i-beacon technology ?: iBeacon technology in a few words   “i Beacons” is the name Apple chose for a particular technology that allows Mobile Apps (running on...

what is i-beacon technology ?

iBeacon technology in a few words  

“i Beacons” is the name Apple chose for a particular technology that allows Mobile Apps (running on millions of recent i Phones, i Pads, etc.) to know how close they are to tiny, low-cost, wireless transmitters called “hardware i Beacons” (or just “i Beacons”). It’s important to note that i Beacon technology isn’t an Apple’s monopoly: all recent Android devices already support it too. i Beacons broadcast signals using the well-known Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) standard, allowing precise, indoor Geo-location (often called “Micro location”), but also contextual interaction/engagement, as proximity to an i Beacon can trigger some specific App functionalities.

Two valuable key concepts…

First key concept: 

                Micro-location iBeacon technology allows your Mobile device to understand its position, even in indoor locations where smartphones or tablets are not able to pick up GPS signals from satellites overhead – that’s geo-location with a very high level of granularity, conventionally known as Micro-location.

Second key concept:

              Interaction/Engagement/Context After understanding the first key concept (Micro-location), let’s now talk about the second key concept: Interaction/Engagement/Context. The iBeacons signals enable interaction with Mobile Apps, for example triggering some App functionality to perform a specific action on a specific Mobile device – at exactly a specific time and in a specific location. In other words, iBeacons signals express two valuable concepts at the same time: “This is where you are” and “This is what you (can) do”. iBeacons therefore make it possible to effortlessly engage with people in a physical space through their Mobile devices.  

Features of the iBeacon technology  

Item #1: 

          Mobile App automatic start Mobile devices will automatically react to when they come within range of iBeacons: there is no need to take your iPhone or Galaxy S3 out of the pocket to manually start the pertinent iBeacon-enabled App. iBeacons are identified in the background by iOS or Android, and the right App is started when necessary; in technical words, an App can register with iOS/Android to be started when specific types of iBeacons move in the range of the device. Of course you have to install the relevant iBeacons-enabled App before you can actually enjoy iBeacons benefits – currently there is no mechanism to auto-install Apps. 

Item #2: 

        Energy consumption I know what you are thinking: geo-location and Bluetooth combined are batteries drainers. Don’t worry, actually Bluetooth Low Energy standard (…as the name implies…) is very, very battery friendly.

 Item #3: 

         Hardware iBeacons deployment Hardware iBeacons are very easy to set-up and deploy; consider also that they are quite low-cost and will become almost free when critical mass (and economies of scale) will be reached; there are already a number of hardware companies selling iBeacons on the web.

 Item #4:

         Internet connection No connection to the Net is necessary (even though accessing valuable resources in the cloud is always beneficial), so your 3G data-plan won’t be affected – and there is no need to switch WiFi on as well.  

steps to design EMG Sensor


Measuring muscle activation via electric potential.

-medical research 
-diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders

components required:

Circuit Chips:
3x TL072 IC Chip  
1x INA106 IC Chip  

Cables and Electrodes:
3x EMG Electrodes  

2x 9V Battery

• 2x 1.0 uF Tant capacitor
• 1x 0.01 uF Ceramic Disc  
• 1x 1.0 uF Ceramic Disc   

• 3x 150 kOhm 1%  
• 2x 1 MOhm 1% 
• 2x 80.6 kOhm 1%  
• 6x 10 kOhm 1%
• 1x 100 kOhm variable resistor
• 1x 1 kOhm 1%

• 2x 1N4148 Diode  


positive terminal of battery 1 connected to the negative terminal of battery 2) then measure the voltage from the negative terminal of battery 1 and the positive terminal of battery 2, the measured voltage is equal to the summation of the voltages of battery 1 and battery 2.

 we want a +9V and a -9V power supplies. If we connect our two 9V batteries in series, we will get a power supply of +18V. So  we  can get the -9V and +9V.


INA106 IC :
 The INA106 is a difference amplifier which will measure and amplify (G=110) the very small voltage differences between the two electrodes you place on your muscle.


We are going to first build an inverting amplifier with a gain of -15. To do this, we’ll need one of the TL072 chips.
Image result for tl072


 we will be rectifying the signal using an active full-wave rectifier . Our rectifier will take the negative portion of our signal and turn it positive so the entire signal falls within the positive voltage region.

we need both 1N4148 diodes, and a second TL072 chip. 

SIGNAL CONDITIONING - Smoothing + Amplification:

 we will be using an active low-pass filter to filter out the humps of our signal to produce a smooth signal for our microcontroller.

we  will need the last TL072 chip (chip D), the two 80.8 kOhm resistors, the 100 kOhm trimmer, the 1 kOhm resistor and the 1.0 uF ceramic disc capacitor.


RTOS semaphore Example Program

This program explains the basic step to signaling a semaphore in RTOS

#include "main.h"

#include <rtos.h>                                 // add rtos header file here

#define TASK1  TCBP(1)                      /* task #1 */

#define TASK2  TCBP(2)                      /*task  #2 */

#define TASK3  TCBP(3)                        /*task #3 */

#define  priority 5                                        /* task priorities1*/

#define priority 10                                           /* task priorities 2*/

#define priority 2                                             /*task priorities3*/

#define semaphore OSECBP(1) /* binSem
#1 */

unsigned int counter;

void Task1( void )
while (1) {

void Task2( void )
while (1) {


void Task3( void )

while (1) {

void main( void )


OSCreateTask(Task1,TCB,priority );

OSCreateTask(Task2,TCB,priority );

OSCreateTask(Task3,TCB,priority );

OSCreateBinSem(semaphore, 0);

counter = 0;


while (1)

For more Application Program:CLICK HERE

Thursday 26 November 2015


Real-time operating system (RTOS) when certain operations are critical and must be completed correctly and within a certain amount of time.

Basic terms:


A task is a sequence of instructions, sometimes done repetitively, to perform an action (e.g. read a keypad, display a message on an LCD, flash an LED or generate a waveform). In other words, it’s
usually a small program inside a bigger one.

An interrupt is an internal or external hardware event that causes program execution to be suspended. Interrupts must be enabled for an interrupt to occur.

 Task’s priority:
A task’s priority suggests the task’s importance relative to other tasks.

Context switch:
A task switch occurs when one task suspends running and another starts or resumes running. It may also be called a context switch.

Preemption occurs when a task is interrupted and another task is made ready to run. An alternative to a preemptive system is a cooperative system, in which a task must voluntarily relinquish control of the processor before another task may run.

A delay is an amount of time (often specified in milliseconds) during which a task’s execution can be suspended.

An event is an occurrence of something (e.g. a key was pressed, an error occurred or an expected response failed to occur) that a task can wait for.

Examples of events include:
• • an interrupt,
• • an error occurring,
• • a timer timing out,
• • a periodic interrupt,
• • a resource being freed,
• • an I/O pin changing state,
• • a key on a keypad being pressed,
• • an RS-232 character being received or transmitted and
• • information being passed from one part of your application to another.

Intertask communication:
Intertask communication is an orderly means of passing information from one task to another following some well-established programming concepts. 
-message queues 
-event flags 
can be used to pass information in one form or another between tasks

 Task’s state:
A task’s state describes what the task is currently doing. Tasks change from one state to another via clearly defined rules. Common task states might be 
-ready / eligible, 
-stopped and 
-destroyed / uninitialized.

A reentrant function can be used simultaneously in one or more parts of an application without corrupting data. If the function is not written to be reentrant, simultaneous calls may corrupt the function’s internal data, with unpredictable results in the application.

A resource is something within your program that can be used by other parts of the program.

In order to multitask, such that all tasks appear to run concurrently, some mechanism must exist to pass control of the processor and its resources from one task to another. This is the job of the scheduler.

Cooperative Scheduling:

high-priority eligible task cannot run until a lower-priority one has relinquished control of the processor via an explicit context switch.

Preemptive Scheduling:

A preemptive scheduler can cause the current task (i.e. the task that’s currently running) to be preempted by another one. Preemption occurs when a task with higher priority than the current task becomes eligible to run. Because it can occur at any time, preemption requires the use of interrupts and stack management to guarantee the correctness of the context switch.


There are two types of semaphores: 
-binary semaphores 
- counting semaphores. 

Binary semaphores :
A binary semaphore can take on only two values, 0 or 1.

Counting semaphores:
 A counting semaphore can take on a range of values based on its size – for example, an 8-bit counting semaphore’s value can range from 0 to 255. Counting semaphores can also be 16-bit or

Event flags:
Event flags are one such use for binary semaphores – they indicate the occurrence of an event. If a semaphore is initialized to 0, it means that the event has not yet occurred. When the event occurs, the semaphore is set to 1 by signaling the semaphore.

Messages provide a means of sending arbitrary information to a task. The information might be a number, a string, an array, a function, a pointer or anything else. Every message in a system can be
different, as long as both the sender and the recipient of the particular message understand its contents. Even the type of message can even change from one message to the next, as long as the
sender and recipient are aware of this.

Priority Inversions:
 Priority inversions occur when a high-priority task is waiting for a resource controlled by a low-priority task. The high-priority task must wait until the low-priority task releases the resource, whereupon it can continue. As a result, the priority of the high-priority task is effectively reduced to that of the low-priority task.


#include "main.h"

#include <rtos.h>
void Task1( void )
while (1) 

int main( void )


OSCreateTask(Task1, priority);

while (1) 



OSInit(): OSInit() initializes all of  data structures, pointers and counters, and must be called before any other calls

OSSched():OSSched() is Salvo’s multitasking scheduler. Only tasks which are in the eligible state can run, and each call to OSSched() results in the most eligible task running until the next context switch within that task. In order for multitasking to continue, OSSched() must be called repeatedly.

OSCreateTask(Task1, priority):To create a task, call OSCreateTask() with a task starting address, a tcb pointer and a priority as parameters.

                                         In Depth: clich here